Growing up in West Auckland, New Zealand, was the beginning of my journey. I was blessed to have incredible parents who were nurturing and allowed us to adventure and be curious to do things ourselves. The key word here is ALLOW. Camping in the back garden in nature, exploring the creek and experiencing the freedom to discover and be at one with nature. My mother was passionate about gardening and the fantastic insects and birds, the cycle of life and necessity of all living things. Respect and kindness, core values were instilled not only for our family and friends, but for the animal and plant kingdom also.

Unaware of the impact these values would have on my future, I spent a huge amount of my leisure and fun times as a child connecting to nature and just BEING. Laying in a paddock of hay and staring at the blue sky on a summers day, watching clouds pass by and listening to nature carrying on around me.  

I gained a heightened awareness of my connection to the spiritual realm when I became a parent and a caregiver to a dying relative. Sparking a unique journey of self-discovery. Through intuitive feelings, messages from spirit, and seeing spirit, I emersed myself in healing circles, crystals and ascending meditation. Thus, developing my psychic abilities.

My reiki practices have evolved from a lifetime of experiences. Working in a holistic health environment exposed me to experience reiki first hand, allowing me to arrive in a place of gratitude, love and calmness, that became a daily way of being, flowing into how I worked and led life, both receiving and giving healings.    

I now embrace and embody my true self and help others to do the same.


  • Usui Reiki First Degree

  • Usui Reiki Second Degree

  • Usui Reiki Third Degree

  • Portmann Massage Technique Cert