• Reiki is a form of energy healing originating from Japan. Practitioners use a gentile hands on technique to transfer “universal energy” to the client, which encourages physical and emotional healing.

    I personally practice Usui Reiki.

  • Please set aside time to sit with yourself, allowing you to focus on questions you may like answers to, or unhealed injuries or traumas you would like to address. You may also choose to ask your spiritual guides for guidance before your session.

    Making sure that you are hydrated before a session is beneficial - water will be provided at the end of session to ensure that you leave feeling refreshed and hydrated.

    I suggest you give yourself ample time to find car parking in the area and locate the building so that you don't feel rushed, as this can affect your ability to receive the full benefit of the session.

  • Before a session begins we will spend time discussing what you hope to gain from the session. This will act as a guide as to how I approach your healing.

    During the session I will gently move my hands above or with gentle touch in a series of positions on the front and back of the body. I may position crystals during the session to encourage energy movement and grounding.

    Following your time being healed, we will sit to share feedback with each other. This time after the session allows me to hold space for you while your nervous system assimilates.

  • I highly recommend blocking out a couple of hours in your calendar after your session. This will give you time to rest, reflect and reset. It is important that you drink an ample amount of water to hydrate. Try not to over stimulate yourself before having a great night's sleep.

  • I understand that life gets busy sometimes and unexpected events may pop up resulting in you needing to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If you find you are unable to keep your appointment please contact me 24 hours prior to your appointment. This courtesy enables me to schedule another client in this time. I will be able to reschedule your appointment to a better suited time or date with no additional charge.

    If you fail to make contact and do not show up to your scheduled appointment, it is at my discretion whether you are offered a partial refund of 50%.

    Please ensure you are on time for your appointment as a courtesy to the client that follows. If you are more than 10 minutes late, I cannot guarantee we will be able to complete your session as in depth.

    As ‘no shows’ have a significant impact on me, I need to enforce my cancellation policy and trust you understand my need to do so.

  • Sometimes there may be a message that is given to me to pass to you.

    Adhering the the Privacy Act 2020, I would like to ensure you that any information you provide or I channel, whether it be your personal data or information surrounding your session experience, will be kept confidential and will not shared without your permission. It is your information alone to share.