Reiki is a form of energy healing originating from Japan. Practitioners use a gentle hands on technique where “universal energy” is amplified and made available to the client, which encourages physical and emotional healing.

Reiki is known to reduce stress, pain and anxiety, promoting a positive mental state and good sleep.

“When we heal ourselves,

we heal generations.”

Reiki has such a positive effect on those who seek it.  Universal energy heals the emotional and physical body. When we heal our personal trauma we are allowing ourselves to let go of the past, to forgive and therefore move forward with our lives with confidence.  We can find that we are more empathetic and less judgmental - positivity enables us to experience gratitude and genuine love for ourselves, our family, friends, animal kingdom and the planet. Our lives have more meaning and the positive energy attracts more positive energy to ourselves and our surroundings. Some individuals report that they have experienced a “dream” where they are able to find themselves and rejuvenate their soul to one of no fear or anxiety.

No two reiki sessions are the same, whether you have a profound experience during a session, or simply feel a total sense of relaxation and calm, you are still experiencing an energy healing specific to your body’s individual needs.